Best Playstation 3 exclusive Jimmy Gems Nominees

By goukijones — December 13, 2010
Tags: blog jimmy-gems nominees ps3-exclusive

I have played all of these games. Uhhhhh here's the list ...

God of War III

I played about half way through this game.

ModNation Racers

Jimmy Modnation Racer mod

Gran Turismo 5

I did play this. Gran Turismo VS Need for Speed Hot Pursuit.

Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain isn't even in the catalog. I did play this game. I do not understand what people were so excited about. The first scene: The chick comes home with the groceries and asks me to help, I just sat on the couch and ignored her for 30 mins and watched cartoons.

Winners will be announced December 29th. Did we leave anything out? What's your favorite? Leave a comment below! AND don't forget to vote for your favorites in our Video Game Catalog.


I haven't played Modnation yet, but I'll have to go with Heavy Rain because in the next level I could sit on the couch and watch tv without feeding my 8 year old, while forcing him to do homework for 6 hours before bed. Classic

Dec 13, 2010 by Cinderkin


Mod nation is the only one I've spent any real amount of time with. It's almost a great game. Almost.

Dec 13, 2010 by BatRastered


Yeah, leaning toward the Mod Nation as well. I really wish MNR got more off the ground.

Dec 13, 2010 by goukijones


Can we vote none of the above?

Dec 13, 2010 by ThaBrad


I dun play no PS triple.

Dec 13, 2010 by akskiller


only one i played was modnation at my bros house, dumped tons of hours into that.

Dec 13, 2010 by iorilamia



Dec 13, 2010 by Fnjimmy

grey walrus

I don't have a ps3 :(

Dec 13, 2010 by grey walrus


Aren't there more nominees?

Dec 14, 2010 by shenwoopunch


lol best ps3 exclusive should be Solomon's Folly in red dead redemption ;D

Dec 14, 2010 by iorilamia

DE bad shot

simply put, fuck Sony!

Dec 14, 2010 by DE bad shot


even though i don't own a ps3, I'll put a vote in for Mod Nation Racers.

Dec 15, 2010 by Arthvader


God of war 3.

Dec 16, 2010 by Fnjimmy


Garbage of war 3. I can't believe this is on here. Guess you were really scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Dec 16, 2010 by erikestrada


I did play all of them.

Dec 16, 2010 by goukijones


yo man stop knocking on games youve never tried

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012


yo man stop knocking on games youve never tried

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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