Bethesda Press Conference E3 2018 Fallout 76 Online, Starfield & Elder Scrolls VI Announcement

By goukijones — June 10, 2018
Tags: bethesda-softworks blog e3-2018 elder-scrolls fallout press-conference starfield

Major, Major news coming from Bethesda. Fallout 76 is online! Starfield is real and they are working on it and a new Elder Scrolls.

Bethesda started the night off with an Andrew WK performance that got the crowd all riled up for the big show.  I’m certain there will be some great MEME’s coming from that part of the show.  Then they showed trailers for Rage 2, ESO, Doom, Quake, Prey and Wolfenstein.  All of which can be seen on the Bethesda YouTube Channel.

Fallout 76 is an online game, but don’t worry, you can also play solo.  However, Todd Howard says it’s best to play with friends to get the best experience.  Check out the trailer.

I now present to you the Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition.

They showed a couple of ‘How to’ videos about how some things will work in Fallout 76.  Fight with your friends, do quests together and build anywhere on the map.  It looks like Fallout 4 online to me but that doesn’t matter, I will be on this. 

As a bonus, Bethesda also announced a few new titles they will be releasing in the upcoming years.  Here are the trailers.

Starfield is rumored to be a Skyrim/Fallout game that takes place in space. It may or may not connect all of the universes together.  Elder Scrolls VI will be their most ambitious title in this generation.  I can’t wait to play!

Thanks for reading.

Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Gouki Generic Box Art

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Release Date: Nov 14, 2018

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I just don't know how Fallout online will work Lore wise. If you have too many players creating their own lore the single-player game will not be able to reference events from it. A Fallout online game should be built in a pocket universe detached from the main story. The way I would have written it is to link it to an event having either to do with Zeta Aliens or have it something to do with an experimental Vault Tech project. Both could be written to have the Vault inhabitants go through a dimensional gateway into an alternate earth timeline right before the bombs hit. That way you can reference Vault 76 in the main storyline by just having a destroyed vault with a weird device in it that no one can understand its purpose. The terminals can all have entries about the device hinting at what it does and just leave it at that. Then you have two fallout universes to play with. One a Single Player Story driven game that builds on the lore and creates a long overarching narrative and the other would be a real-time story that begins as soon as the bombs drop but takes you into an earth where anything can happen and the lore can be rewritten to fit any need. For instance, the timeline can be altered so that when people exist the gate they are in a timeline where the bombs had dropped a century ago, or maybe different factions survived so you don't just have the brotherhood of steel. Maybe the Institute was more advanced in their operations and wasn't destroyed. Basically, it would allow the players to shape the landscape and the story rather than relying on bethesta to create it. Just my opinion.

DaisyAzuras has not rated Fallout 76 yet.
Jun 11, 2018 by DaisyAzuras


Also, I think they need to make more fallout games and release them with pieces of power armor each time so you can collect and build a full suit of power armor.

DaisyAzuras has not rated Fallout 76 yet.
Jun 11, 2018 by DaisyAzuras


It is multiplayer. I am hype. Taking over the wasteland and keeping all the nuabs out..... I love the Bethesda presentation. Best one of E3. Take notes Sony....

sugarninja has not rated Fallout 76 yet.
Jun 11, 2018 by sugarninja


Please tell me you are getting and it will be on! We will have the sickest settlements in the wasteland. There was a NEW Todd Howard interview today and he said there will be private server options.

New Vegas was off the wall with a bunch of lore too, but people still love that. I think this game will feel the same way. As far as the Aliens go, Starfield is rumored to link all of the Bethesda Universes.

goukijones has not rated Fallout 76 yet.
Jun 11, 2018 by goukijones

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