"Borderlands 3" 2nd Anniversary Celebration Two Years Of Mayhem!

By BatRastered — August 12, 2021
Tags: borderlands-3 news

More loot, more Eridium and even more... The 2 year anniversary of Borderlands 3 release is coming up on September 13. Gearbox is planning 5 weeks of events leading up to then. Let's see what's in store.

Starting August 12, the fan-favorite Loot the Universe series of mini-events that reward you with loads of Legendary loot for seeing (then shooting) the planetary sights will be back. Each week during Loot the Universe, Borderlands 3's planets will take turns becoming a bastion of better drops, with specific types of Legendary loot having increased chances of dropping in one of that planet's zones.

Week 1 (9:00 AM PT August 12 to 8:59 AM PT August 19) - Pandora
Week 2 (9:00 AM PT August 19 to 8:59 AM PT August 26) - Promethea
Week 3 (9:00 AM PT August 26 to 8:59 AM PT September 2) - Eden-6
Week 4 (9:00 AM PT September 2 to 8:59 AM PT September 9) - Nekrotafeyo

The fun doesn't stop after your galactic tour. Starting September 9 at 9:00 AM PT, we’re kicking off two more mini-events happening in tandem: Mayhem Made Mild, where you'll only encounter Easy modifiers in Mayhem Mode, and Show Me the Eridium, which grants increased Eridium drops and Eridium item discounts.

They hint at even more to come. So, please look forward to it! I defenitely need that Eridium!!!

Borderlands 3

Gouki Borderlands 3 Generic Box Art

19 Stories

Release Date: Sep 13, 2019

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Oh hell yeah. Another reason to DROP-IN in a different place on Pandora starting today!

goukijones rated Borderlands 3 Buy it
Aug 12, 2021 by goukijones


This game is so good! I have played almost everyday since the release. I can't wait for this event!

sugarninja rated Borderlands 3 Buy it
Aug 12, 2021 by sugarninja


Ooh, the Maurice vendor's got the goods for us this week too! It's in Jacobs Estate on Eden-6 and has the Headsplosion Jakobs sniper rifle and the Frozen Heart shield. Both are worthy pickups. Look for on Action Skill Start anointment for the shield. The third item is the Magnificent (a Vladof pistol that is just meh compared to the Lightshow).

BatRastered has not rated Borderlands 3 yet.
Aug 12, 2021 by BatRastered

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