Borderlands 3 Diamond Loot Chest Collector’s Edition Release Date

By goukijones — April 3, 2019
Tags: borderlands-3 fps gearbox-software news rpg shooter

2019 Confirmed!

How do we remake the first Borderlands, but not.  I present to you Borderlands 3.  We’ve got 2 girls and 2 guys as the main characters now.  There is tons of loot falling from the sky after killing who knows what Randy Pitchford dreamed up.  The new characters have pets and magic and look much more unique than any other combination of leads in Borderlands history.

And now we finally have a release date.

The only way to get the Borderlands 3 Collector’s Edition is from GameStop. *You can pre-order from GameStop and not be charged until the item ships.  So reserve yours today! has up to the Borderlands 3 Super Deluxe Edition. *LIMITED EDITION PRICING!!!

Here’s a comparison of the 4 different versions.

Borderlands 3

Gouki Borderlands 3 Generic Box Art

19 Stories

Release Date: Sep 13, 2019

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Damn that Collectors Edition looks really good. The Loot Chest looks amazing. Super excited to play this game with GoukiJones.

sugarninja rated Borderlands 3 Buy it
Apr 4, 2019 by sugarninja

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