Community Bulletstorm Review
By iorilamia —
March 4, 2011
Alright dick-tits, Bulletstorm review has arrived!
BULLETSTORM! The highly controversial and gimmicky FPS of early 2011. I took my time on the game knowing it would't last me long. Here we go!
You, Grayson Hunt and your screw crash land on a once awesome resort planet. Well things went bad and you are fighting gnarly mutated enemies. The single player is about 8 hours long, like any basic campaign. They did a great job filling the game with cutscenes that highten the action. The action ofcourse is constantly thrown at you. One explosion after the next, followed by more bad guys, explosions, someone getting called a "dick" and ducking under cover while jimmys suround you. The way the story progresses is on point. As you uncover more of what the hell happened to this planet and how to get off of it, you find different types of enemies, all who tie into the story and have their own objectives and different attributes. The AI is relentless, at times they just nonstop spam fire at you, and also are smart about using cover-fire. Your leash, was meant to grade soldiers on their performance. The more creative you get, the more points you can spend on upgrades and new weapons. The game isn't all on foot either,you get your fair share of transportation. As the story progresses, you can sort of see some things coming, but this suprisingly wasn't a bad thing, everything was still fun. What this game did very well was Boss battles, good ole ridiculous huge monster boss battles and mini-bosses. Biggest complaint is that they have tons of mini bosses, but few real bosses. Without spoiling anything, this game better have a sequal, I was left on the biggest cliffhanger of my life.
Bulletstorm is all about creativity. You have ridiculous weapons, a boot that kicks people into slow-mo and a leash that carries many possibilities. At first you may feel a bit pressured to getting points and doing skillshots found in the Database, but after a while it's second nature :) Even when you find yourself out of amo , your boot and leash can solve a few problems. Taking cover in this game is simply crouching, which works fine, but you may find a aprt of your body getting nipped somehow. A big problem in control was jumping and climbing. To do this you press X button when near an object. If you are in the middle of battle or trying to run this doesn't always go so smoothly. Running works well int he game and sliding is perfect for getting the hell out when your close to death. Nukem, that being said, good job.
Magnificent for both! Bulletstorm brings beautiful lush colors a long with dark and grimmey ones in perfect harmony. In the middle of intense battles sometimes you can't help but to notice your in a beautiful garden with amazing scenary....with limbs hanging on the walls. Bulletstorm may not have as much gritty detail as Killzone 3, but I feel the graphics are much better. The sound in Bulletstorm works well. The sound of gunfire is nice and blood gargling when you throat-shot someone are satisfying. The game ofcourse is constantly filled with mahem, but with all the action going on you can still clearly hear yourself speaking and your crew.
I don't hate it anymore, I just dislike it. Basically Echo takes tons of the epic levels / battles in Campaign and lets you replay them. It is basically Score-Attack and you get it posted on leaderboards. If you aren't into getting high scores it is a fun game-mode to play when your bored, and just want to blow stuff up. The plus side to it is that it features many maps, and you have to unlock most of them , giving you a slight competitive feeling.
This is my favorite part of Bulletstorm. This is up to 4 people co-op play, killing as a team. Each wave has a set amount of points. Your team must kill with skill together and try to maximize your points. Ofcourse as levels progress the enemies get gnarlier, and you get to spend your points on weapons and amo. The stupid part is that they only have THREE levels (6 if you buy the upcoming DLC >_>). But what keeps you playing this mode is the unlocks. You levels up ganing new titles, gun skins, and new skins for all your armor.
Basically Bulletstorm is as follows:
Story- Very likable characters and put together story line. Plenty of action , excitement, ridiculous disalouge and blood.
Game Mechanics and Controls - The boot and leash work well with this FPS. Controls work well, but action buttons for jumping is akward at times.
Graphics and Sound- Awe inspiring. In the misdt of this over the top bloody FPS we have vibrant colors and great lookin levels. Enemies death cries and trash talk are a good touch aswell.
Echo Mode- Isn't anything new, basically a score-attack for single player missions that can be posted on leaderboards.
Anarchy Mode- Co-op side of the game that places you in decent sized arenas. Leveling up allows you to customize your character ; killing in style. Big letdown with few maps.
In the end, Bulletstorm is simply amazing. This game feels like it has the ridiculous enemies, boss battles and weapons of Serious Sam, with the foul mouth of Duke Nukem but also adding its own flare. That being said it is hard NOT to enjoy the game. Unfortunately it doesn't have much replay value. Story -mode is your basic about 8 hour length and the other game modes really don't last you that long.My final verdict is a little hard to deliver because I enjoyed this game SO MUCH! But as a whole, you might aswell
RENT IT! You can get all of your Bulletstorm fun out in a week or 2 depending on how much you play, which is sad because they did an amazing job on this game. The game does heavily hint at a sequel, if there is a sequal let's hope they add LOTS more to this beast game.
Release Date:
Feb 22, 2011