Community Arthvader Fights: Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition matches from 11-16-2012
By Arthvader —
November 19, 2012
I'm back with more ranked match videos from Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Online Edition. Now featuring the return of Remy.
Welcome again to another session of Arthvader Fights. As usual, you'll be seeing some of my more recent Ranked Matches. This time, I've decided to return to using Remy, who I feel very comfortable in using as compared to most of the roster. I hope you enjoy watching these matches as I have in actually playing them.
These matches were fought on 11-16-2012, and uploaded on 11-18-2012.
zR Souja (Dudley) Vs. Arthvader043088 (Remy)
Arthvader043088 (Remy) Vs. seth9992 (Dudley)
Arthvader043088 (Remy) Vs. TheOneSuperMatt (Dudley)
Luigi772 (Yang) Vs. Arthvader043088 (Remy)
Arthvader043088 (Remy) Vs. fallenangel4150 (Akuma)
Tell me what you thinks of these fights? Who would you like to see me use next? also, what's your favorite music in this game? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to vote and share. Don't be a Jimmy!!
Find these and more of my matches in 3rd Stike in my 3rd Strike playlist on youtube:
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Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Aug 23, 2011