Can You See Him? John Cena On The Cover "WWE 2K23"

By goukijones — January 23, 2023
Tags: preview wrestling wwe

I have tons of photos with John and I.

Ok so who else thought WWE games coming every year was going to be a thing again? Not me, that for sure. Unfortunately the game is still being made for old-gen consoles. Which is kind of shocking to me since the next-gens have been more available recently. Who wants to make a pool on how many more mainstream triple a games will be released for old consoles. Games like Madden and WWE though can always use an annual update because the roster and the environment changes so much. This isn’t a bad thing. In WWE 2K23 we will be getting for the first time ever, a War Games match. WAR GAMES!

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WWE 2K23

WWE 2K23 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Mar 14, 2023

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