Capcom Press Release: Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 for PS Vita

By goukijones — December 13, 2011
Tags: marvel-vs-capcom news playstation-vita press-release

Spectator and sharing modes over wi-fi sounds cool. The question remains, where do I plug in my fight stick? Jimmy?

From Capcom:

New screenshots are now available from the PlayStation Vita version of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.

The handheld edition of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will feature online and local multiplayer, touchscreen functionality, NEAR and everything you would find in the PS3 version. In addition, the PS Vita version includes a Spectator Mode and Replay function that allows players to watch or share exciting matches over wi-fi. PS Vita exclusive Gold Herald color options are also available for the characters. As an integrated option, gamers can use the PS Vita as the “Ultimate Controller” to play the PS3 version of the game.

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 takes the epic battle to all new heights with 12 new characters from the Marvel and Capcom universes, a refined fighting system, eight new stages and new modes. As a launch title for the PlayStation Vita system, the game will be available alongside the PS Vita First Edition bundle on February 15, 2012. The regular launch date for the system is February 22, 2012.


Gold Herald, WTF? This is a screen shot of a new mode coming to both the home console and mobile platforms. 

What's you take on the hand helds Jimmy? Will you be getting the UMvC3 for PS Vita? WILL you be getting a PS Vita?! lol. Leave your comments below, let me know what you think. Also UMvC3 for PS Vita has been added to the catalog, go ahead and hype it up or not. Don't be a Jimmy!

Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3

Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 (PS Vita)

3 Stories

Release Date: Feb 15, 2012

Buy it! 57% - Rent it! 43% - Flush it! 0%

Original source.


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