"Cities Skylines II" Coming 2023
By goukijones —
March 7, 2023
Who else got chills?
The original Cities Skylines is my most played hours of all time. I can’t think of any other game I have played more. Unless we count overall time with the Street Fighter series and Halo Series. Well Cities Skylines II was announced this week and it’s set to be released in 2023. There’s on official date, we just got the year only. I’m expecting it to be real late in 2023. Which is fine, we’ve got a lot of great games coming out in the next couple of months, so no need to rush. Let’s hope Cities Skylines II is packed with a ton of great features at launch. Jeez man, I just spent like $100 bucks on DLC for the original Cities this past year.
Release Date:
Oct 24, 2023