Cliffy B Gears of War 3 Dedicated Execution

By goukijones — April 12, 2011
Tags: cliff-bleszinski gears-of-war-3 news video

Cliffy B and the Gears or War 3 staff explain their dedication and exactly what they want to execute with the Gears 3 Multiplayer.

Making Gears 3: Dedicated Execution

From YouTube: Find out how Epic is building the best Gears multiplayer experience yet. Includes preview gameplay from the Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Beta.

I loved the first Gears campaign, but was never really sucked into the multiplayer. Gears 2 seemed to go further down hill with the campaign and again, I wasn't into the multiplayer at all. Now we have Gears 3 coming this fall and I'm excited again. I'm looking forward to the campaign, I really enjoy the combat system in Gears. Hopefully this multiplayer gets me going. Where can I get a beta code?

Gears of War 3

Gears of Wat 3 Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

34 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 20, 2011

Buy it! 75% - Rent it! 8% - Flush it! 17%

Cannot wait for this beta! Get in the beta via Bulletstorm Epic Edition or pre order gears 3 at gamestop Jimmy!

akskiller has not rated Gears of War 3 yet.
Apr 12, 2011 by akskiller


Beta codes on Bulletstorm disc or for preordering gears 3.

Phresh rated Gears of War 3 Buy it
Apr 12, 2011 by Phresh


pre orderd mine and i cant wait for the beta ^_^

blazemanx rated Gears of War 3 Buy it
Apr 12, 2011 by blazemanx


I know HOW to get the beta Jimmy! lol. Sarcasm does not come through with text. Somebody send me a code. I don't have Bulletstorm and I don't want to pre-order from GameStop.

goukijones rated Gears of War 3 Buy it
Apr 12, 2011 by goukijones


Bulletstorm is a trap!

iorilamia has not rated Gears of War 3 yet.
Apr 13, 2011 by iorilamia


@iori perfect answer. I'll try the demo when it get's here, but I'm getting burnt on fps overload this year.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Gears of War 3 yet.
Apr 13, 2011 by DragonKiss83


this is a badassnice video

kof2012 has not rated Gears of War 3 yet.
Apr 20, 2011 by kof2012

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