Community Cliffy B Tells us what Games Should Have, Contridiction Arises
By iorilamia —
March 7, 2011
Eurogamer got an interview with Cliffy B at GDC recently. He tells us what $60 games should have these days...but Bulletstorm in no way, matches that...
So we all know what Bulletstorm is. Badass game with an 8 hour story, complete ass replay value and multiplayer that isn't very playable. Cliff was being interviewed by Egamers John Teti and Ellie Gibson.
Question starts at 15:30 " What do you think about Japanese game design right now..."
It starts about him talking about looking up to Japanese stuff as a kid, but then he goes into what video games should be like in general in todays market. Typed it out incase you didn't want to watch the video.
video and source:
"... it's weird for me to see amazing games come out, and it's just a 7 hour campaign. And I'm like, Guys, detatch yourself from being these amazing creatives who kicked ass for so many years and be objective and look at the market right now. We are in the era of a cautious consumer. $60 is alot to ask for day 1 price. So if you don't make gamers love a game and marry it, you are gonna be a day 1 rental, or a campaign rental. ...."
You need to put enough value in your game. If you have a short campaign, you better have a deep multiplayer. If you don't have a deep multiplayer you better have a 60 hour campaign."
If you are interested in the full video, it is mainly about developing gears of war, hipsters, nerd/street cred that he has to protect and how Nintendo/Mario is his inspiration and similiar to the main character of Gears. Anyways.....
I couldn't help but laugh. Bulletstorm is basically an 8 hour campaign with complete crap for multiplayer. Only a few levels and horrible net code make it easy to surpass. Echo mode is a score-attack of campaign. I originally wasn't going to make a story out of this but...why not? In older interviews he prides himself about being able to play the game and talk about what he wants changed and overall make it a better game before release. Epic jimmy action. I just think it's incredibly stupid, how about you guys? Know any other developers like this? Leave your comments below.
And if you didn't read the review: RENT IT!
Release Date:
Feb 22, 2011
[UPDATED] Mar 8, 2011 1:18:39 PM
Mar 8, 2011 by goukijones