Coffee and a Demo - The Darkness II w/ GoukiJones LIVE review

By goukijones — January 22, 2012
Tags: demo live-stream-highlights review

Apologies for the audio portion. The settings always seem to get fucked. Listen closely for my takes on The Darkness II demo. This was captured from the Live Stream. Thanks for watching.

The Darkness II is a First Person Shooter where you also control two monsters with shoulder buttons. The graphics are similar to Borderlands but just a little sharper. Very typical corridor shooter here. There isn't much time in the demo to do anything. Half of it is buried in cut-scenes you can't skip. The demo last just over 30 mins for me. I'm not hype for this game at all. I didn't play The Darkness when it was released years ago and I have no desire to play this one. 

This video is from the Live Steam. - Follow us on the stream to know every time I go live with my Xbox or PS3.

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The Darkness II

The Darkness II Gouki Box Art

6 Stories

Release Date: Feb 7, 2012

Buy it! 20% - Rent it! 60% - Flush it! 20%

Verdict: Rent It


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