Conduit 2 Golden Video Review with FnJimmy

By fnjimmy — May 28, 2011
Tags: conduit-2 exclusive exclusive-video fnjimmy golden-video-review goukicom pro-tips review strategy video

Apparently Sega wanted me to review this game so they sent me a free copy. I'm world famous and Sega loves me. Jealous? Hopefully they get what they've paid for me. Watch my review.

When I started this game I couldn't figure out how to open the doors. Therefore the game must be glitched. I talk about it in a couple of times. I had to restart the level and then I found the actual path I was supposed to go down. Now not knowing for sure, if the game was glitch or just my brain. Leave your comments below.  BTW, I don't care.

Conduit 2 Golden Video Review with FnJimmy

Conduit 2

Conduit 2 Gouki Box Art

6 Stories

Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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