Crysis 2 delayed with new release date and new videos

By goukijones — August 18, 2010
Tags: crysis-2 news preview video

Crysis 2 barely ran on the PC during the E3 tech demo ... not surprising it won't be coming out until next year now.

Crysis 2 official release date is now March 22, 2011. Now some Jimmy ass Websites are saying March 25, but that doesn't make sense. 

I'm not really surprised with this news. During the E3 preview we were inside one of those Russian ice bar things, where they only serve vodka. This was to keep the PC that was actually running the game, cool. This didn't work, it still lagged a little during the demo. You can see exactly what we saw in the video below.

This is a video of pretty much, just a recap video of what happened at E3 2010.

You can read BatRastered mind blowing recollection on the demo. Crysis 2 will blow you away!

Crysis 2

Crysis 2 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Mar 22, 2011

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