Desk breaks the SSF4 Arcade High Score World Record!

By Cinderkin — December 4, 2010
Tags: arcade-mode desk high-score news ssf4 super-street-fighter-iv videos world-record

Desk well known for his max combo Chun-Li videos of over 100 hits. Now he has gone on to conquer the Twin Galaxies Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Mode High Score. It's pretty impressive and also entertaining. Check it out!


Here's what Desk had to say about the project.

Current World Records:
Xbox 360: 2,014,700
PlayStation 3: 1,119,600
Desk's Final Score: 2,218,000

I'm not actually playing for score for most of the run. I tried to be reasonably entertaining while demonstrating a bunch of practical and impractical combos and set-ups. For a proper 'point pressing' run I'd lose a round in every match. Also, I'd do nothing but the legs loop and rinse the barrel bonus stage a lot more. However, that wouldn't have been very interesting to watch.

I've also provided a commentary giving some insight into what's possible vs certain characters, practicality/impracticality of certain combos, etc.


Can you beat Desk's record? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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