Desk breaks the SSF4 Arcade High Score World Record!

By Cinderkin — December 4, 2010
Tags: arcade-mode desk high-score news ssf4 super-street-fighter-iv videos world-record

Desk well known for his max combo Chun-Li videos of over 100 hits. Now he has gone on to conquer the Twin Galaxies Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Mode High Score. It's pretty impressive and also entertaining. Check it out!


Here's what Desk had to say about the project.

Current World Records:
Xbox 360: 2,014,700
PlayStation 3: 1,119,600
Desk's Final Score: 2,218,000

I'm not actually playing for score for most of the run. I tried to be reasonably entertaining while demonstrating a bunch of practical and impractical combos and set-ups. For a proper 'point pressing' run I'd lose a round in every match. Also, I'd do nothing but the legs loop and rinse the barrel bonus stage a lot more. However, that wouldn't have been very interesting to watch.

I've also provided a commentary giving some insight into what's possible vs certain characters, practicality/impracticality of certain combos, etc.


Can you beat Desk's record? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

177 Stories
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Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

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Damn ... He beat me.

goukijones rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 4, 2010 by goukijones


No, no I cannot beat his record...

BatRastered rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 4, 2010 by BatRastered


not fair

sheepsmuggler rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 4, 2010 by sheepsmuggler


I thought he was going to get a perfect on one i thought you needed to get a perfect.

xShincrimson rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by xShincrimson


@ Shincrimson

I'm not sure. I thought it was just for the points. But that would be pretty sweet to see a perfect run.

Cinderkin rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by Cinderkin


This is the video that actually got me practicing Chun Li TODAY LOL

InfestedOreo rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by InfestedOreo


the consistancy of his fingers are ridiculous, I can't imagine anyone beating it T_T

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia


i almost broke the record for beating kof2012 in under 2 minutes with kyo andy and ryo the karate man kicks ass moves who do guys think is better the rip off ryo or dan hibiki i think ryo

kof2012 rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012


@kof- what does that mean?

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Jan 28, 2011 by iorilamia


^Whatever you want it to mean

Phresh has not rated Super Street Fighter IV yet.
May 4, 2011 by Phresh

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