Deus Ex: WTF, now it looks like Red Dead mixed with Prey 2

By goukijones — August 3, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog deus-ex-human-revolution

I've been hype ever since the first trailer. I don't know why the first trailer got me so excited, maybe it was just the music. Something about it was really cool, especially in the Japanese.

The concept I imagined from the game after I saw the first trailer was very cool. But that was just my imagination of what it could be, not of what it actually is. At one point I think this game was delayed and maybe shelved. Then I saw that hilarious demo where the guy just picks up the floating crate. This can still be seen in the video below. 

Before you watch the video though, let me remind you I also saw this game at E3. It was press demo inside the Square Enix booth. It was laughable there as well. The chick hosting covers her mouth when the game seems to glitch and she points out that there's supposed to be a sound effect here. Understandable, but as a gamer sitting in that room, I thought the game still looked like a joke.

Well here we go with the latest video of Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Now it really looks like a video game. Far from the original trailer, you can see some funny characters head twists. Terrible voice acting. Cookie cutter gameplay features. Personally I'm interested in the leveling up and I hope there's some decent depth to that. As far as which route to take, first of all make sure the difficulty is up at least one level to hard or something before I start. Then by any means necessary to stay alive and get through the game, right? That's the only way I'm gonna have fun with this.

I give myself 72 hours to beat it on hard. It will be PWNd and I can't wait to tell you all about it.

BTW here's the video that got me thinking.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution 'Classified Information' Trailer

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Deus Ex Human Revolution Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Aug 23, 2011

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