Dragon Age 2 Boss Fight Pro-Tips

By goukijones — March 29, 2011
Tags: cheat dragon-age-2 dragon-age-ii exclusive exclusive-video female glitch guide how-to missing-textures pro-tips slow-down spoiler strategy tips-and-tricks trick video walkthrough

Hard Difficulty. High Dragon and Jeven gameplay videos. 3 Mages and 1 Tank. I am an unstoppable PWNn machine. Badass Nice!

Favor and Fault Quest Act III Jeven Rogue Hard Boss Fight

Jeven is a rogue Jimmy, he will disapear and then reapear and stab you in the back causing massive damage. The first thing you need to do when the fight starts is move your party our of that death pit. Get to the highest level and then bottle neck whatever comes in your direction. Jeven will come. When he does, just run around in a circle with who ever has hate from him as long as possible. That's right, just run around in a circle. That's the secret here.

Mine Massacre Quest Act III High Dragon Hard Boss Fight

It's just the High Dragon again, don't worry. He gave me such a run for my money on normal difficulty. This time, on hard I was even more prepared for the fight. You can tell, because at the beginning of the fight I throw a reraise potion -which should be thrown at my party when they die- right at the High Dragon. I think I was really drunk. Drunk dragon killin' c'mon! This insane match went on for 25 minutes. This is the longest video I have posted on YouTube.

Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II Gouki Box Art

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Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Mar 8, 2011

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