Dragon Age Origins first impressions

By goukijones — November 9, 2009
Tags: dragon-age-origins first-impressions xbox-360

I'm about 10 hours into right now. My feelings are completely mixed.

I've probably spent more time in the menus trying to figure out how all the shit works more than actually exploring or fighting. Did you know you can do crafting in dragon age? Which from what I've experienced is more of a waste of time. I'd rather just by cures from the shops.  

Random points of interest ...  

At one point you can pretend to be a vet and analyze a sick "deer" type creature. I choose to kill it. What's funny here is, I was so bored by all the story lines at this point I was skipping through everything chat scene and the next clip I saw was the dear with its throat slit lying on the ground. Awesome!  

The cuts scenes are horrible ... the graphics are horrible.  

The shops are so confusing. You can't see what the value of items are in your personal inventory you have to go to a shop. The shops and menus are even worse after some Jimmy juice!  

It's really easy to give up on this game early. Maybe I should have dedicated more time to Demon's Souls. Once you get to the forest area and the game seems to branch out it does get a little more interesting.  

I got mixed feelings about this game Jimmy. Right now I would say rent it. It's nothing like Mass Effect or KOTOR or the PREVIEW and commercials you see on TV. 


Have it Delivered for $56.99 w/ free shipping! 

Dragon Age Origins Xbox 360 Game EA

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age Origins Gouki Box Art

9 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Nov 3, 2009

Buy it! 39% - Rent it! 52% - Flush it! 9%

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