EVO Legalizes Infinite Combos. Community Breaks UMvC3 Overnight.

By goukijones — June 26, 2012
Tags: blog evo-2012 news

EVO's Mr. Wizard announces infinite combos will be allowed in Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 at the big tournament. Videos show more than 1 character has one. Will there be more to come?

TAC = Team Ariel Combo.

TAC Infinite combos will be legal at EVO according to this Tweet from EVO director Mr. Wizard. 

Here's what it looks like.

Can you even see it? I certainly don't have a clue what is happening. Phoenix tags Magneto back in and Magneto can start his infinite. Apparently there's a moment where you can escape if you have the right character.

This is something that isn't a glitch. This is something that requires technique and specific characters to do. 

Justin Wong said: "That is cheap cause Magneto has one too, so lots of characters might have it." - That quote is from EventHubs

Low and behold ...

Marvel is the Touch of Death. Shout out to UltraChenTV for that one liner. The winner of EVO could be the Jimmy who has something like this mastered with whatever else they've already mastered in the realm of cheese with Ultimate. Marvel is so full of cheese. FnJimmy had a great line last night while were playing and Hsien-ko kinda froze up for a second and he said "See the computer can't even handle your cheesy bullshit anymore." We're going to see a lot of attempts at this infinite thing, only the best will move forward. If an Infinite Combo wins the tournament and if the winner of the tournament is Japanese, they will probably riot. U.S.A.! U.S.A.! 

Where is Filipino Champs take on this?

Marvel is a lot of the same, even though all of the characters are very different and have unique styles. Core gameplay features like TACs, Supers, Launching are all the same for all the characters. Now some might be completely different features, like not all characters can fly. I think this TAC infinite thing falls under most characters in the game can do something like this. Whether or not the human player can execute it or not, we'll see at EVO.

Well what do you think? Ban or not ban? Ban glitches, not skill, that's my take. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!

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