FFXIV: Endwalker New Gathering Nodes Updated on MasterDotL.com
By BatRastered —
December 20, 2021
New legendary nodes, new ephemeral nodes, and new white and purple scrip lists. Get to gathering!
Well, I've finally got my Botanist and Miner up to level 90 in Endwalker. I've also unlocked all the legendary nodes (a full 9,600 white scrips later!) the grind is over. Now we grind for gil!
First, you'll probably want to grind white scrips, these are used to buy the books that unlock the legendary nodes, but they also provide massive XP. Best way to get to 90!
Once you've done that you can go for purple scrips to buy the new grade IX and X materias or some gear (and probably more once patch 6.05 drops with the new recipies). Or you could just start gathering new crafting materials from the legendary nodes.
The ephemeral nodes page has been updated too, though it does seem to be short 2 elements and time spans. Again, I'm guessing that this will be updated on January 4th with patch 6.05. Run this list to get tons of crystals and clusters plus the new Aethersands that will likely be in high demand with the new recipies.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Aug 27, 2013
Original source.