FFXIV How to travel for cheap - Save dat GIL

By goukijones — September 9, 2013
Tags: guide pro-tips video walkthrough

Yeah you can teleport yourself anywhere in the game, if you've touch the local Artheyehe, but you can also ride a chocobo out there for next to nothing. Plus it's on auto-pilot. Go take a piss or do a stretch you Jimmy!

So whenever you get out to a new area always touch the Crystal so you can tele right? Okay, also talk to the Chocobo porter to see where he can take you & for how much. Most porters outside of town can take you BACK to town for very cheap. Later on in the game the porter in town will start to unlock more & more areas to travel to. This will save you a ton of money early on in the game. Gimmie dat GIL!

Final Fantasy XIV

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Release Date: Aug 27, 2013

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