Final Fantasy VII Battle Royale Out Now In Beta

By goukijones — June 3, 2021
Tags: battle-royale beta final-fantasy-vii news

Can't get enough Final Fantasy VII Remake? Go mobile!

Different classes, swords, guns, magic, summons! This is exactly what you would imagine a Final Fantasy Battle Royale game to look like. The only downside for me personally is that it is mobile. I was lucky enough to get into the beta. I did the training mode and completed it. I thought I was in my first match, but I’m not sure if it was training or not. I WON! Go to your app store and search for the game to try and get into the beta.

Watch the trailer.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Sephiroth Play Arts Kai Action Figure

Original source.


I am not a mobile gamer myself but the Final Fantasy franchise does not disappoint. Might give it a try.

Jun 8, 2021 by sugarninja

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