#FMIWT is MOVING! Starting January 6th Las Vegas, NV FGC gets the spotlight.
By goukijones —
December 31, 2014
Inside the GameWorks restaurant on the Main Stage.
So don't worry, same deal as before. 6-11PM inside GameWorks in Town Square Las Vegas, NV. Now, we will be in the restaurant along side people eating dinner. We will definitely be the main attraction starting next week.
Live stream brought to by the 5thDimension. Make sure you check out his stream. Every Friday he hosts FGC casuals.
GameWorks & Gouki.com will provide:
4 Street Fighter Xbox 360 setups
2 Smash Bros. WiiU setups
2 stations available for BRING YOUR OWN CONSOLE. (first come first served)
After Vegas Violence 2 on January 24, 2015 all Gouki FGC events will be held on Tuesdays. More info on that after VV2.
Gouki.com is looking for players to sponsor in Smash. Sponsored players will have their venue & buy-in paid for by Gouki.com to all local events. Including GameWorks, Gaming Goat, PSG & any other place the player is able to make it out to.
Non sponsored Street Fighter players can win an EVO sponsorship at Vegas Violence 2. Please check the rules page.
We're looking for commentators for Street Fighter, Smash & Xrd. Hit up GoukiJones if you're interested. We're building up a team for LVL UP Expo.
Thank you for playing & we'll see you at the next For Me It Was Tuesdays!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Jun 3, 2014