Community Fox News Hating on Bulletstorm

By iorilamia — February 9, 2011
Tags: bulletstorm foxnews news violence

John Brandon from Fox News is concerned about Bulletstorm and young children, hes also a nubfarm.

The article is pretty long, heres an excerpt below:

"Parents had better beware: There's a Bulletstorm on the horizon. 

In the new video game Bulletstorm due February 22, players are rewarded for shooting enemies in the private parts (such as the buttocks). There’s an excess of profanity, of course, including frequent use of F-words. And Bulletstorm is particularly gruesome, with body parts that explode all over the screen.  But that's not the worst part.  The in-game awards system, called Skill Shots, ties the ugly, graphic violence into explicit sex acts: "topless" means cutting a player in half, while a "gang bang" means killing multiple enemies. And with kids as young as 9 playing such games, the experts spoke with were nearly universally worried that video game violence may be reaching a fever pitch. “If a younger kid experiences Bulletstorm's explicit language and violence, the damage could be significant,” Dr. Jerry Weichman, a clinical psychologist at the Hoag Neurosciences Institute in Southern California, told " source: (full article)

  Yo seriously? Don't they realize kids cant even buy Mature games, its their parents or older sibling that would be feeding them this "ugly, graphic violence into explicit sex acts" It almost seems like every quarter of the year we get super violent games, only difference with Bulletstorm is creativity yes. And whats this about damage being significant? Later in the article they talk about how these sexual acts in gaming leads to real life rape. Yea maybe if you play RapePlay (don't play it btw). Even further in the article it says " the market is clearly aimed at young children" , how? I'm sure its clearly aimed as Mature audiences. Only good part of the article is that they had a bro from NationalYouthRightAssociation talking about how innovative Bstorm is and mentally unstable people will be fine. What do you guys think? Does Bulletstorms racy dialouge and suggestive themes enough for further BS news coverage (kinda like all the shit over GTA series), or is Fox just ...being Fox? Leave a comment below on what you think. 



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Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

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