Freaky live action Dead Space 2 trailer and Multiplayer footage

By goukijones — October 28, 2010
Tags: commercial live-action news trailer video

Dead Space 2 is a scray game. Allegedly, but I don't think so.

I'm not exciting about this game at all. I'm sorry, say what you will. Although I like the way it looks and the marketing is really unique for this game. Check out the Halloween Trailer. Nothing to it really. It looks cool. Just good old fashioned viral marketing. Is there a such thing as "good old fashioned viral marketing" already? You tell me.

Multiplayer reveal

You've probably seen all of these clips before. Especially if you are hyped up for this game. The multiplayer does looks sweet though. Left 4 Dead fans might recoginze the style of humans vs monsters. The guns look great and the slow down fighting stuff looks really sweet.

In space no one can hear you shit your pants.

Dead Space 2

Dead Space II Gouki Box Art

11 Stories

Release Date: Jan 25, 2011

Buy it! 74% - Rent it! 21% - Flush it! 5%

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