Community From Scrub > Competence > Confidence > Authority

By InfestedOreo — December 6, 2010
Tags: blog lol ssf4 starcraft-2

How to become great at street fighter 4 or anything else for that matter.

For any gamers out there who want to improve their skill level, just take a listen to what I have to say will ya? Don't be ignorant. Just listen.

If you want to become better, you have to PRACTICE. I mean REALLY practice. Practice until you've perfected your art, your skill, your combo, your moves. Find every situation where you can utilize your character better, your strategy more effectively and your tactics delivered more efficiently.

I know. I know. You say "I can never beat Daigo or "Insert Pro Gamer Here"? Do you need some CONFIDENCE? Well confidence, my friend, is derived from COMPETENCE!

I repeat:


Become proficient with your game. Develop a clear strategy. Practice every day to utilize your combos better and better. Learn shortcuts. Learn new moves. Associate yourself with like minded players AND experts in the field. Don't forget the experts. They have a wealth of information. If you can't associate with them. Watch their replays, their videos, commentaries, interviews, etc. They're expertise is invaluable. And most of all commit yourself to go the distance and to consistent execution. GO ALL THE WAY. 

As in to COMPETE! 



Some brief history about me:

Street Fighter 4:

When I started off in Street Fighter 4 Vanilla, looking back from today, I was worse than scrub. I was plain bad. I knew NOTHING about frames, OS, Plink, FADC, etc. I only knew how to throw fireballs, dragon punches and hurricane kicks with proficiency and general fundamentals of the game. That got me only so far.

StarCraft 2 Beta:

When I played it in Beta, I lost. ALOT. In fact I lost to almost all of my friends. Yeah i was horrible. When SC2 finally released, i picked up the game, did my initial placement matches. I RANKED BRONZE. OMG what a noob! Of course the game was new but damn! I considered myself to be a great player IN GENERAL. Sorry that doesn't work.


Super Street Fighter 4:

Although I don't compete in professional events, I've played enough games and practice enough to KNOW that i possess an above average skill level in the game I would be deemed a worthy opponent. My friends that used to play the game religiously and already had serious problems beating me. I prevailed from a small time ranked noob to Rank A (at least in Vanilla) until i ran out of time in Super. With a few exceptions, I still have my days and I'm always learning and watching replays... but trust me.. I'm quite good.

Starcraft 2:

Today, I'm ranked Diamond. At one point I was ranked 2 in my division, however after not playing enough games, my points went down and I suffered on the leaderboards. However, the point goes to show that I started from the bottom and rose pretty high to the top with commitment and dedication. Today, I beat ALL of my friends. I rarely lose from any of my friends. I'm considered a top gamer by all my colleagues and coworkers.

Super Street Fighter IV

Super Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

177 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 27, 2010

Buy it! 84% - Rent it! 7% - Flush it! 7%

I hope I don't get flamed from my own post. So I'll go ahead and say it first, I'm writing this to inspire others to achieve greatness. Yes, I believe it's achievable. And Yes, with enough time, dedication and passion, anything is possible.

InfestedOreo rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by InfestedOreo


Thanks for posting Infested Oreo! Keep it up!

Cinderkin rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by Cinderkin


If Vangief can do it, then you can do it too!

thewiz rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 6, 2010 by thewiz


@thewiz hes an inspiration to us pad users <3

and nice article Oreo

iorilamia rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia


Thanks guys. Wolf Krone is also a beast Viper pad player. God.. I still wonder how they do it with the PAD!

InfestedOreo rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Dec 7, 2010 by InfestedOreo


i compete at my local arcades

kof2012 rated Super Street Fighter IV Buy it
Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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