Gouki.com out of the office reply

By goukijones — June 4, 2011
Tags: e3-2011 exclusive goukicom news

We're outta town this week Jimmys. We're going to be in L.A. for E3 2011. User stories have been unlocked to 5 per day. Best stories written about E3 win exclusive swag from the show. Follow us on Twitter for live updates. Visit Gouki.com/e3 for more info.

Gouki.com is an independent video game website where users can post their own content. We produce original videos and educate our users on saving money. Number 1 in the World!

That's right during E3 you will be able to write up to 5 stories a day. C'mon, we dare ya. The best stories written about E3 will win actual swag we get from the show. I will personally be tweeting the prizes as I collect them.

To be eligible, your story has to be approved by moderators. And we have some special guest moderators this week. (So don't be a Jimmy.) BatRastered will also over see all of the stories posted on Gouki.com. Do not get your story deleted by BatRastered. The man has high standards. Read the Faq if yer a nuab.

Once approved, just share your story, via Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Stumbleupon and/or you can even post your stories to our Raptr.com feed

You're story should offer a unique take on the news. Report accurately and link to any source.

You can read more about our contest for stories during E3 here: http://gouki.com/Story/Details/e3-2011-story-contest

BatRastered and FnJimmy will be on the show floor. You can follow them on Twitter and send them tips on what to check our while at E3 2011. What do you Jimmys want to see?



Anybody can tweet ont he Gouki.com official hashtag #e3gouki and watch it appear on the time line on our E3 2011 page.

I'll be talking to Jimmys behind closed doors. Please check out my schedule and tell me what you are most excited to hear about. http://gouki.com/Story/Details/goukijones-e3-2011-schedule-and-want-list

Follow me on Twitter for my take on Skullgirls, Skyrim, Neverdead, Tomb Raider, the Ubisoft and Nintendo Press Conferences and more. It full-on fully man.

@goukijones - Send me your reactions, your questions, tell me what swag you want me to save for you. 

With all that going down, don't forget to check out our sponsors on the support page. The more attention they get the more awesome giveaways and events we can bring to the Gouki.com family.

Check out the world premiere of the FnJimmy's FightStick Commercial.

Right now you can save 20% on any Mad Catz/GameSharkStore order. FightStick for 20% off!

Thanks for watching, thanks for being a member, thanks for being a part of the Gouki.com. Here's to one hell of a week in L.A. It's E3 2011 baby!


Will Hideo Kojima be a guest moderator? Enjoy E3 guys, can't wait for gouki updates on the latest games!

Jun 4, 2011 by iorilamia


mom can i get a gouki stick lol nice you should really air that

Jun 5, 2011 by kof2012


Funny commercial. And I'm looking forward to your coverage. And if the swag is anything like the last couple years, I'll be hoping to get some of that too. Thanks for the chance guys.

Jun 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


that fightstick commercial is one of the greatest things ever made. Good work

Jun 5, 2011 by choke

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