GoukiJones' E3 2011 Schedule and Want List

By goukijones — May 30, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog e3-2011 exclusive exclusive-video video

Here's how it's all going down. I've never had an appointment at E3, now I have a full 3 day schedule. Also my own want list of games I want to see there. And a look at some of our new equipment we have to bring you guys the best coverage ever.

E3 2011 Want List

These are games I really want to see/play that I probably won't get the chance to. They are in no particular order.

Uncharted 3 - Campaign and Multiplayer

Hawken - I want to get my hands on this game bad, but I spoke to Adhesive Games and they are not going to be at the show.

Dragon's Dogma - Badass Nice looking game. I want to PWN!

SmackDown Vs Raw 2012 - I will probably hunt down this game.

Darksiders 2 - I'm going to try and find this game as well. Look out THQ I'm comin' for ya! 

Aliens: Colonial Marines - This is a game developed by Gearbox Software and published by Sega, I want to check this out for sure.

Bioshock Infinite - Duh! 2K is being Jimmys about me getting in that booth though. Nubfarm.

Mass Effect 3 - Just wanna have a look and see what this game is going to be about. I'm currently playing through Mass Effect 1 right now and it is officially one of my favorite games of all time.

Battlefield 3 - I'd love to go a round in the multiplayer.

Gears of War 3 - How man giant worms can we fit into one campaign and or trilogy? I want to find out.

Halo 4 - lol. Even if it's the Halo 1 remake. Can't wait to see where Microsoft goes with this game.

E3 2011 Schedule


2:30PM - Ubisoft Press Conference. Ubisoft had one of the most entertaining press conferences last year with Joel Mchale hosting. Can't wait to see what they do this year.

7:00PM - Transformers MMO Launch Party. Don't ask, We've been promised free food, drinks and sexy women. We'll be there.


9:00AM - Nintendo Press Conference. For the first time ever I will be sitting in on the Nintendo Press Conference, make sure you follow me on Twitter for live updates.

1:30PM - Razer. This company has a lot of Jimmys working there. I can't wait to see what they want to show me at the show. I still want my Onza test controller that they promised me at CES.

2:00PM - Paramount. Like in the movie studio. I got an email promising to show me two games that will change my life. Well I couldn't pass that up.

3:00PM - Bethesda. Hopefully I'm not too shit faced at this point because I'm thrilled to see what Bethesda is going to show me. Rage and Skyrim has a Jimmy super excited.

5:00PM - Turtle Beach. Accessories and Peripherals.


10:30AM - Mad Catz. You know we got an exclusive and official code for free shipping on your entire order over at the GameSharkStore, right?

11:30AM - Konami. What games does Konami have? Uh-oh. New Metal Gear? what do you Jimmys want me to look for in this booth?

2:00PM - Origin PC. These Jimmys want to show me their new laptops and towers. It's definitely time for me to update my tower, I can't wait to see what they have to offer.

3:00PM - Disney. Disney? They're showing off a new Cars game and Lego Pirates. I'll probably cancel this appointment. Lego Pirates is already out so nobody cares. Just not interested in this stuff, unless you guys want me to talk about Cars.

4:00PM - NVIDIA. The most compatible card with my editing software. Gotta check out the new stuff here.

5:30PM - White Knight Chronicles and Earth Defense Force. I don't know what to expect here. I didn't play the first White Knight, but EDF looks cool in the previews. I'm excited to get hands on here.

8:00PM - Mad Catz. A big huge Mad Catz Shindig. Can't wait. Pour me that Jack and Coke Jimmy!


10:30AM - 505 Games. I'm going to be checking out Wrecked Revenge Revisited here. Looking forward to it.

11:30AM - Deus Ex Human Revolution. An hour long demonstration?! I'm gonna need to be drunk for this.

1:30PM - Halfbrick. These Jimmys made Fruit Ninja for iPhone. I'm gonna check out what they're working on now.

2:30PM - Tomb Raider. I got one of the last appointments for this. I can't wait to see how Square Enix plans to relaunch this franchise.

4:00PM - Final Fantasy XIII-2. Thank god this is only 30 minutes. I loved FF12 and then FF13 was just a disaster in my opinion. Hopefully part 2 is a completely different game.

5:00PM - Skullgirls. You don't know what Skullgirls is? And you call yourself a fighting game player. This is a very unique art style and combo fighting game from an independent developer. Looks forward to this game. Potential to be an EVO game.

So we got a bunch of hot new equipment for the show this year and I can't wait to show it off. Here's a little video we made the other night just screwing around testing the mics and the camera. FnJimmy is classic as always.

E3 Video Equipment Test

Read about all the equipment we got over on VGTek.com.

Thanks for reading Jimmys, I hope you guys are excited about E3. It's going to be bigger than ever for all gamers. PWN!


I expect them to give us good news at on "I Am Alive" @ Ubisoft >_<

And as far as Konami, anything on Metal Gear Rising would be hype news <3. Too bad Hideo won't be there though.

May 30, 2011 by iorilamia


Big thumbs up for the link to Hawken. You schedule looks pretty fun. You do remember Disney owns Marvel now right? I've got the Lego Pirates game here now, but it won't get opened until next month for my son's birthday. And the Cars 2 game is pre-ordered through Amazon, so it'll get opened with the other one. Cars 2 does have some car combat so it might be decent. I'll post something for them after they are played some. And Skullgirls has my attention hopefully it turns out to be a great fighter.

Have fun, wish could get my ass out there.

May 30, 2011 by DragonKiss83


i would kill a jimmet or jimmy for smackdown 2012

May 30, 2011 by kof2012


and darksiders and battlefield 3 and any other game on that list that doesnt have to do anything with disney pretty much kidding actually i would probably get wasted and play them or let one of my little cousins play them for me lol

May 30, 2011 by kof2012


@dragonkiss83 has convinced me to not skip out on the Disney booth. Sold!

May 31, 2011 by goukijones


hey guys I found out the release date for smackdown 2012. It's either November 14th or sometime in september. Let me know what you think about smackdown vs raw 2012.

May 31, 2011 by choke


Am I reading Choke's comment wrong? It just doesn't seem dirty. Oh no he helped Sony now he's been hacked. lol

May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Let's do this.

Jun 6, 2011 by fnjimmy

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