GoukiJones’ 2018 Top 4 Video Game Want List

By goukijones — January 4, 2018
Tags: blithering-blathering blog

Can 2018 produce better video games than 2017?!

#1 Red Dead Redemption 2
This game is a former Gouki.com Jimmy Gem Game of the Year.  Just recently, well 2 years ago now I guess… I played Red Dead Redemption again and it still holds up and is still one of my all-time favorites.  Rockstar only releases new games every 5 years, so get hype!  RDR2 is going to be the game of the year. (No specific release date as of this post)

#2 The Last of US Part 2
When the first game came out I did not expect that I would like it as much as I did. In fact, I played through it twice.  It's one of those rare games that I played back to back immediately and I can not wait to play the new sequel.  Another strong potential for game of the year. (No specific release date as of this post)

#3 Anthem
Oh boy. EA.  The game is being made by BioWare and published by EA.  I love all the Mass Effect, Star Wars Kotor, and Dragon Age games, so I am hype for a what seems to be a full-on-multiplayer-space-scramble-mass-effect-shooter-magic-lootfest-madness.  So IF that works and it’s not full of buy a loot chest with real money bullshit, it might be a great game.  I think we can live without the loot crate system in video games.  Good luck to BioWare.  The entire internet is on standby, watching EA desecrate and ruin the history of great game franchises and developers.  Anthem will be very interesting to watch and play in 2018. (No specific release date as of this post)

#4 Crackdown 3
I can’t wait for this game.  The previous Crackdown games have great memories for me.  I would have never played Crackdown in the first place if the Halo 3 Beta wasn’t on the disc.  But I found that the climbing, shooting, leveling up, and the party system made Crackdown super fun to play.  When I wasn’t playing Halo 3.  Crackdown 3 will be an easy purchase for a bunch of friends and the game will be superfun to play together. Invite me. (No specific release date as of this post)

There were a few other games I noted, but overall these 4 games are the only options I believe, that can pull me away from the good games I am already playing.  When I started writing this list, I was for sure 2018 could be better than 2017. I’m now thinking that maybe it’s going to be a really rough year.  What’s up with that new Metroid?  Where is the Battle Royal Halo 6 game?  WTF is happening to the XBOX console?  Seriously tho...

What video games are you most looking forward to in 2018?

Thank you for reading.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 Ultimate Edition

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Release Date: Oct 26, 2018

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