Grimshade Review

By goukijones — April 29, 2019
Tags: blithering-blathering review

What I had the most trouble with was reading the map. I couldn’t make it out of the first zone or past the quest “Stashes of Brann.”

Grimshade is a tactical turn-based game.  During battle the teams are separated by a line down the middle of the battle field.  You have a small grid to move your characters around on.  It’s not free roaming like Final Fantasy Tactics, you can’t walk to the side of an enemy or get behind them.  Some of the characters have moves that get behind the enemies, but every fight takes place with this virtual line in the sand. 

I started the game on the hardest difficulty setting.  The combat early felt more like I was just memorizing the sequence of attacks from the enemy to be ready to counter.  I didn’t mind this and felt the combat getting more challenging with each fight, especially when I started adding more party members.

What I had the most trouble with was reading the map.  I couldn’t make it out of the first zone or past the quest “Stashes of Brann.”  I have played many games in my lifetime and spent two 90 minute sessions running around this map looking for this one missing item. I had collected two of the three items and the map showed me the general area they were located, but not exactly where.  You can walk right into different areas of the map without any indication that it is happening. So I had the idea of just going around the outside and inside walls to search for the missing item.  When I found the second item it was hidden underneath a floor tile.  At this point I knew for sure which area one of the three items came from. The second item in my inventory I did not know what area I had picked it up in so that meant I had to search both areas again.   This is when the back and forth started for like two hours.  I knew it was one of two areas and I felt like I had completely combed both areas and clicked on everything possible.  This is when I began to think that I may have glitched the game. 

Check out this battle.  The game has a really great art style.  The music is good and it’s a bit relaxing to play... when you can get into battles.

Watch A Battle In Grimshade Review from GoukiTV on

Perhaps I will make another attempt to play down the road, but at this time I don’t want to start over just to figure out which tile I didn’t flip to find this hidden item.  You can check out other people's experience on the steam page here.

For $19.99 it is a good turn-based rpg, it’s worth the money.  Just do a better job than me keeping track of your quests and areas.


Grimshade Gouki Generic Box Art

2 Stories

Release Date: Mar 26, 2019

Buy it! 100% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 0%

Verdict: Buy It


It was really complicated to watch on my end. I like a more fast paced game but the graphics were really good.

sugarninja rated Grimshade Buy it
Apr 29, 2019 by sugarninja

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