Halo Reach beta in my opinion

By goukijones — May 23, 2010
Tags: beta exclusive halo-reach pictures review video

So this is just like my opinion ... man. Exclusive video showing off some the basic Halo Reach combat.

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The Halo Reach beta just finished last week. The experience was great, even though the last week or so for me less and less people were actually playing it. I do think it was a lot less of a big deal as the Halo 3 beta was. Yes I know there were 4 maps available (Powerhouse, Swordbase, Boneyard and Overlook.) I love Powerhouse, the flag games on that map were intense. Swordbase took some time to familiarize myself with, but once I figured out where I was on that map, I really liked it. Invasion was bland, during slayer matches you were secluded to one part of the map and I wish the weapon drops/territories things would pop up everywhere, other than just the Spartan base area. Overlook would be bad ass with a Flag or even slayer match types, but the beta didn't offer that option. Only Generator Defense, which I thought was dumb. I only played it a few times.

Traditional slayer returns with season play. A season last two weeks, play enough games during the day and get a rating. Play enough during a week, month, year and that's how your overall rating will be determined. Which is great for me, I don't get a lot kills, but I usually have less deaths. So even though my random Jimmy teammates are nubfarm and go negative seventeen, myself who was plus seven still looks good to the ratings board. Grab bag is a team based matchmaking list where you could play CTF, KOTH, Slayer, etc. How this works is 3 options pop up for game types and the 8 people in the room get to vote. I love having the 3 options, you even have the choice of none of the above. Pwn.

The graphics look like Halo 3. The assassinations are not obtrusive to the gameplay at all and they all look cool. You just gotta know when to use them Jimmy. There were a couple of times I thought it was just me and the Jimmy I was about to kill. Nope, there was somebody else around the corner and while I tried to assinate the first Jimmy, number two was there to kill me instead. Another time I came running out of a Dormitory on Powerhouse, jumped over a rock, flew through the air and jumped on some Jimmys back and cracked his neck. Same graphics new moves. Still very cool stuff here.

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This is easily the best sound design I've heard in all of the Halos. You can hear grenades whistle pass your head. When you cloak yourself everything around you goes silent. Explosions make your ears ring. Blasting somebody with that new grenade launcher is awesome, great sound effect. Boom!

I captured 60 clips for the montage I'm working on. Including myself and Halo friends I've known online since Halo 2 days. There were absolutely no enhancements done to the theater. You couldn't send your friends clips through messaging. I found the way that worked best for me was to go on bungie.net, search for my friends and queue up their clips to my XBOX. No big deal, I know that will be fixed. What I would really like is to be able to delete clips easier. I REALLY think that more keyboard control should be implemented to editing and saving your videos. When you click to save a file, the keyboard should work.

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So this video below is not montage material, but it does show a quick sequence of how some of the combat works in Halo Reach. The rocket has twice the blast damage range as Halo 3 AND the Armor Lock will deflect rockets. Check the nuab in the video who self gaffles. I'm using the Hammer and the DMR with the sprint armor ability. Listen to the grenades fly pass my head or explosions ring my ears. Killing spree, double kill ... I need a health pack and then start the sequence starts all over again. Don't be a Jimmy!



Pre-order Halo Reach ya nuab. I'm gonna be on there PWNN!!

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

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