Halo Reach Firefight Versus mode SDCC 2010 panel and video

By goukijones — July 28, 2010
Tags: exclusive news sdcc2010 video

For the first time ever see a new map, a new armor ability, a new vehicle and a new assassination.

So you can do 1v1 or 2v2 Firefight mode. Spartans VS Elites. Also you get to hear all of the nubfarm in the background from the convention. Check out the clip for the new armor ability, hologram. There are unique sword assassinations. The walk through continues with full on combat. Reach is going to pwn.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

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