Halo Reach is coming Jimmy
By goukijones —
April 22, 2010
Pictures, videos, all sorts of goodies in the news today and the unstoppable Armor Lock cheat.
Just kidding about the armor lock cheat, but people are already mumbling around the Halo universe that the armor lock will be to powerful. In the new Vidoc Halo: Reach Carnage Carnivale one of the first gameplay clips is three Spartans stabbing each other in the back one after the other. There's gonna be some domino effects with this new assignation stuff. Can't wait to see how that plays out. Don't mind the weird nuab in the video over hyping everything he's talking about, sounding like a proper Nuab.
I know there are going to be four maps for Reach, but I don't like how there are going to be different specific game types. Jetpacks! Jimmys gonna be flying. For the first three months of Halo Reach Jimmys are going to be flying around with Jetpacks and Flaming Heads. Building the armor suits ... still is not a big deal for me. I like what I've heard about the Loadouts. Gametypes differ the size of Loadout options, that is cool. Makes sense, how many different weapons can you start with in a 2v2 Slayer?
Now I gotta ask because I read today that Bungie expects over 3 Million Nuabs to try and play the beta. Remember Crackdown? The Halo 3 beta didn't work the first day it was supposed to. Do an Estrada and take the 4th of May off. I will be pwnn the second it becomes live for me. The experience I expect is for it to be similar to when I played the Halo 3 beta. New shit, excitement, play it until they turn it off, and buy it the day it comes out.
Halo Reach Legendary Edition $149.99 Jimmy!
And yeah that's the special edition aka LEGENDARY EDITION. For $150 bucks your friends are going to think you are a Legendary Jackass for buiyng just to get the flaming head dlc code. I'm going to buy it, but just so I can open it up, stare at for a few weeks, box it up when it starts to get a little dusty, shove into the back corner of the closet and forget that I even have it. See you online May 3rd?!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 14, 2010