Community Hard Corps: Uprising being released next week!

By iorilamia — February 12, 2011
Tags: blog contra hard-corps-uprising news psn video xbl

Do you like Contra? Do you like Metal Slug? Buy this game.

Hard Corps: Uprising (HCU) is a prequel Contra: Hard Corps. It's developed by our beloved Arc System Works (which means ofcourse theirs awesome rock music in the intro). Its a run and gun shooter just like the old Contra but with much better graphics and crazier gameplay (if thats possible). The story is simple, the CommonWealth empire is ruling the world, many resistance fighters have gotten pwned, but some elite soldiers rise up in the Resistance, they are lead by the epic war hero Bahamat.  The game had 2 modes, Rising and Arcade. 

In Rising players collect points to upgrade armor and weps to go kick ass. Arcade is basically hard-mode, you cannot see your life bar and there is no power-up shops. The modes have single player and online co-op!

Theirs 4 characters (Konami is looking into doing DLC characters in the future)  Bahamut- Soldier from Army, Krystal - Chick who has no fighting experience, but joins the fight, Harley Daniels- A bike-riding soldier sporting an extreme pompadour hairstyle (WIN!) and Sayuri- A samurai. The game is schedual for release as digital downlaod Feb 16nth on psn and xbl. It won't get much attention because all of us will be playing MvC3 but it still sounds like a great game to check out!  By the way, anyone else think this game looks like BlazBlue? lol

(check out reipuerto's hands on review of 2010 build )



Sources - (lots of awesome official HD videos here)


Trailer uplaoded by (skip to 40 seconds for gameplay)




That game looks amazing!

Feb 12, 2011 by JBadua



Feb 12, 2011 by Cinderkin


Will get this game and enjoy it!

Feb 12, 2011 by Arthvader


@Arth- hell yea! This month has so many must-get games It's going to be hard playing them all.

@cinder- hater x,x

Feb 12, 2011 by iorilamia

grey walrus

Hey a new contra!

Feb 12, 2011 by grey walrus


ugh...febriary 16nth is xbox release only...ps3 is still tba....ffffffffffff...

Feb 13, 2011 by iorilamia


?Will it be a little more forgiving this time?

Feb 13, 2011 by SonicZero


i dont know what to say and that is trademark

Feb 15, 2011 by kof2012

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