Hitman Absolution E3 2011 Behind Closed Doors +Audio Recording

By goukijones — June 20, 2011
Tags: audio e3-2011 exclusive exclusive-audio exclusive-pictures exclusive-video hitman-absolution pictures video

Exclusive audio of Hitman Absolution at the E3 2011 Behind Closed Doors Demo. Including actual demo screen shots. Also my take on the gameplay and exclusive pictures from inside the private room. Nothing you haven't seen before.

The demo starts out with Agent 47 hiding in a corner of a "derelict Library." The room was crawling with about 10-15 cops. Get ready for this comparison a lot, it looked like Batman Arkham Asylum. Agent 47 sneaks around for a bit, the cover system locked onto the walls real well and hugged corners as he snuck away from cops. He also has "Detective Vision" where he can see kind of an outline where the cops are about to patrol. A line of fire draws along the ground where the cop is about to patrol.

You can listen to the actual demo I saw, in the video below. The video includes some screen shots of what I actually saw. Then as you read on, I'll describe my thoughts on the gameplay and you can check out my actual notes from the E3 2011 Hitman Absolution demonstration.

Actual Audio from the Hitman Absolution E3 2011 Private Demo

Agent 47 sneaks around killing the cops of one by one -all of their backs are conveniently turned- and nobody in the room is the wiser. Nothing you haven't seen before. In this room the developers manage to show you a lot of the moves and stuff that's in the game. Certainly a demonstration level. I'm a real gamer though, I know what's up. A lot of BS. The sequence ends with Agent 47 taking a rookie cop hostage and I might have blanked out a little at this part, that or my flask was blocking the screen while a took another drink. He grabs the rookie and then he's surrounded by all of the cops in the room. I thought the Detective in charge shot the rookie, just to get to Agent 47. I don't know, that would be crazy right? Do you know any cops that would just shoot another cop that easily when there are 40 cops in the room and 1 bad guy. Sorry, back to the demo.

A chase ensues up there stairs and there's a little shoot out. God mode heard. Agent 47 takes no damage and escapes. He conveniently walks into another room where a helicopter is waiting outside ready to shoot the place up. Nothing you haven't seen before. This was to demonstrates the destructible environments of the game, the loud sounds and Agent 47 sneaking around some more. When he makes it to the end of the hallway/building there's a cop there. No trouble here though, the cop is facing the opposite way and doesn't see Agent 47(or give a shit about the huge helicopter attack that just went down.) Agent 47 sneaks up on cop and chokes the shit out of him. Then he puts on the cops uniform as a disguise. He then walks right out onto the ledge where the chopper is like no problem. A little ridiculous if you ask me.

No cause for alarm from the helicopter, he must not have known there was a fellow officer on that top floor. Agent 47 causally walks across the roof top as the helicopter hovers over head. He sneaks into this stoners apartment where they are growing massive amounts of weed. One of the pot heads is so stoned he Agent 47 is just hilarious, just like this demo. Then some real cops bust into the room and Agent 47 takes them out with some hand to hand combat. Nothing you haven't seen before.

He walks out into the hallway and takes the elevator downstairs right into a mini police command center set up in this hotel lobby. The room was full of cops. The game slows down as you walk pass people and they seem to notice something about you. But nothing happened in this demo, just slow down. There's all these guns and grenades on the table and it looks like he can pick them up. I'm thinking okay big shoot out coming here. Nope. He picks up a donut instead just as another cop calls him out. Agent 47 has his back is to the cop and the cop thinks Agent 47 is somebody else and is just talking to him. Agent 47 never turns around and the cop eventually gets distracted and leaves. This entire time the screen said "Push X to put the donut down." I can only imagine that if he did put the donut down and turned around the cop would have realized Agent 47 was not who he thought he was and a big shoot out would have occurred. But nothing I saw in this entire demo led me to really believe something that cool would happen.

The demo ended and according to my actual notes while watching the play through below, I found it interesting. Although I believe this entire Demo was just set up for press, the game looked like it has potential. Hitman Absolution came off to me as a Batman Arkham Asylum clone. Nothing you haven't seen before.

My actual notes while I watched the demo live.

Let me know if you are hype for Hitman Absolution. Hype it up in the catalog and then leave a comment on this story. Oh and Don't be a Jimmy ....


Ugh at the Inception style horns in the music... that's the worst legacy that movie has left on the world.

Jun 20, 2011 by BatRastered


i have never played the hitman franchise is it any good?

Jun 20, 2011 by blazemanx


goukijones is not hyped for Hitman Absolution.

Jun 20, 2011 by goukijones


blaze try it this gouki.com bro we never give bad info unless the person giving it is wasted or something lol as for the demo absolutely fucking crazy reminds me of a much more of a badass splinter cell

Jun 23, 2011 by Kof2012


and I still have to see the demo nonetheless this game is beast

Jun 23, 2011 by Kof2012

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