How to Parkour in "Forspoken" Deep Dive Magical Jumps

By goukijones — October 28, 2022
Tags: video

Coolest looking traversal system I’ve seen.

This game has a few things going for it. It’s a Square Enix game exclusively on the PlayStation 5 (and PC.) The world looks absolutely stunning. Huge vast lands to parkour your ass off. The combat looks very slick with a lot of focus on dodging and yes, traversing around. The Devs list Final Fantasy XV, the Stadia version on theory site, so this is a young company. Hopefully they got some good experience developing FFXV for the Stadia. Forspoken is on my short list of games I’m looking forward to. Check out the latest video describing the HARDCORE PARKOUR!


Forspoken Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Jan 24, 2023

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