Community Hwoarang and Bryan Fury become KICKPUNCHER.
By Animefreak —
February 21, 2012
Combined they gave the Tekken tournament a run for their money because their punches had the power of kicks, and their kicks the power of punches.
I have a lot character combinations i want to use. Especially now that they announced all the Vita characters which will become DLC. Team Save the Last Dance with Elena and Christie (though i wish it was Eddie Gordo), Team 2Kool4Skool with Ling and Sakura, and Team TnA with Cammy and Poison, just to name a few. However I've never been much of a Street Fighter fan, in fact I've disliked the franchise since i first touched it as a kid, and I like the Tekken characters more to begin with so much of my love will come from them. My favorite character has always been Hwoarang as a Tae Kwon Do BAMF and so he's by far the most looked forward to character for me. I was looking to team him with Cammy for KICKS or Law because I'm a Bruce Lee fan but just now they announced BRYAN FURY my 2nd favorite character in Tekken for his sheer badassery.
I've always liked this team and wanted to use it in TTT2 when it hits but i may get to before that game even comes out. Not to mention ever since the hilarious NBC show Community hit I've been naming that team KICKPUNCHER because of it's obvious style difference between mainly kicks and mainly punch characters. On top of that Bryan is a cyborg that has punches with the power of kicks, hell the power of cannon blasts, and ever since T5 it seems Hwoarang's kicks have less impact so he's like the nemesis PUNCHKICKER who's kicks are only as strong as punches. Thus the dynamic duo are destined to be together for me in this game.
Unfortunately i may have to wait to use this team which blows goats so i will have to learn another character until Bryan comes out. So I guess Hwoarang X Cammy/Ling/Jin/Law/Julia/Akuma/Poison/Asuka/Ibuki/Juri/Rufus/Bob/Raven/Steve will have to do until then.
Ha i didn't realize it when doing that dumb list but i could do Hwoarang/Juri for a Tae Kwon Do Team Up
Release Date:
Mar 6, 2012