July 13th 2010 Deals Jimmy! 250GB HD xbox 360 for $235?!
By goukijones —
July 13, 2010
You get a white elite. 2 controllers and Final Fantasy XIII. Now you may not want to play Final Fantasy XIII, but you can sell it. New it's still worth $40-$50, which means that's a real easy sale or trade for you for about $20 or so.
Final Fantasy XIII Limited Edition Xbox 360 price drop and a free faceplate
You get a white elite. 2 controllers and Final Fantasy XIII. Now you may not want to play Final Fantasy XIII, but you can sell it. New it's still worth $40-$50, which means that's a real easy sale or trade for you for about $20 or so. The faceplate is alledgy worth $50, maybe you can get $10 for it. Do you need 2 controllers? You can easily sell that extra controller for $25 bucks.
The Final Fantasy XIII Limited edtion is on sale now for $299.99 250 gig HD 2 Wireless controllers Final Fantsy XIII game A Headset A Faceplate (must click add to cart on Amazon.) So if you sold off the extra Controller ($25) the Final Fantasy XIII game ($30) and the faceplate ($10) you could get back at least $65. That knocks the total down to $235 for a 250 gig HD White Xbox 360 Elite. Stolen!
Final Fantasy XIV pre-launch secret base - Everything you need to know about Final Fantasy XIV pre-orders. *New picture of in-game pre-order bonus items.
Xbox 360 Live 1600 Points $16.54 Free Shipping
Xbox 360 Live 4000 Points $45.54 Free Shipping
Starcraft II Wings of Liberty is pretty much retail everywhere you look with no special pre-order bonus.
Gamestop is offering midnight openings.
Kmart and let me stop right there ... Kmart has been doing a kick ass job of trying to get people into the store who are gamers. I have bought my last 5 games from Kmart and have recieved over $100 in coupons for games. That's at least 2 free games Jimmy. "By doing this, we hope to bring the Kmart online and in-store gaming communities closer together, and connect casual and more hardcore gamers." (from MyKmart.com) I think this is a great idea and it's saving people money.
Pick-up Starcraft II Wings of Liberty from Kmart and get a $20 gaming coupon. Only retailer offering any type of rebate or coupon.
Other deals from Kmart this week include a price drop on Singularity for $34.99 and Alan Wake to $34.99 as well.
PRE-ORDER MADNESS from Amazon.com
Metroid Other M $49.99 Free Shipping $20 Video Games Credit
Call of Duty Black Ops $59.99 Free Shipping $20 Video Games Credit
Halo Reach $59.99 Free Shipping $20 Video Games Credit
Halo Reach Gamestop and EBGames
Halo Reach $59.99 Free Shipping $20 Video Games Credit Also includes FREE DLC Spartan Recon helmet with the Visor/Blash Shield ***Updated*** (from bungie.net) "If you don’t preorder the game from Gamestop, you will never see the chest piece in your Armory. We aren’t going to wave the banner of something you can’t acquire because you didn’t purchase a particular SKU, or buy from a particular retailer. Buy whichever version of the game you covet at your favorite retailer."
Halo Reach from Newegg. Pre-order right now $44.99 Stolen
EVO is over and Daigo wins on a MadCatz stick, he probably could have won on a SNES pad. Do you need a FIGHT STICK Jimmy? Click here. We gots em cheap!!
Don't be a Jimmy! If I missed something let me know in the comments below. I want to know what deals and games your are chasing down today as well. Comment and vote up and share this story around the internet. Thanks JIMAH!!
Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
Release Date:
Jul 27, 2010