Killzone 3 Gun peripherals galore, which will you choose?

By goukijones — January 16, 2011
Tags: deals killzone-3 peripheral ps3-exclusive video

Killzone 3 changes the industry. Here's a look at a few high profile gun peripherals for the Sony Playstation Move. The official Sony Sharpshooter and the CTA Assault rifle. Play an FPS like never before.

There are a few excellent options if you want to use your PlayStation 3 Move controller and play an FPS like you have never played before. Killzone 3 has gun peripherals galore. We got to try one out recently at CES and FnJimmy really liked it. From what I observed, I like what I saw and would definitely give it a try. Sony has a quality product here with the Move FPS.

The peripheral we got hands-on with at CES was the official Sony PlayStation Move SharpShooter.

Sony PlayStation Move SharpShooter

This gun requires both Move controllers for it to work. You can see in the picture that the PlayStation Move Navigation Controller is in the front. There are different options with the guns below. The PlayStation Move Controller fits in the front and is right down the line of site. This is also different in the guns below. This is the Sony branded gun, so maybe Sony knows something about the line of site that they are not sharing. I always recommend the official product. PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter on Amazon for $39

The CTADigital models give you two more options on how you want to play the game.

PS3 Move Assault Rifle Controller CTA

First we have the Assault Rifle Controller for PlayStation Move. This is unique because the Move Navigation is already built in, so you don't need that part of the Move to play. But this controller also retails for $20 more. So you save $10. The thumbstick is also in the back of this gun. Can you walk and shoot at the same time? Here's a quick demo video from CTA.

The second model from CTADigital is a submachine gun.

PlayStation Move Submachine Gun CTA

This gun as you can see, requires both Move controllers for it work. The PlayStation Move Submachine Gun retails for around $20, but now you need a PlayStation Move Navigation Controller too, if you don't have one, that's an extra $30. 

Personal play style is going be a huge factor. Each of these guns are different sizes and different weights. There are a few Jimmy Ass models online, like the PS3 Move Battle Rifle, which transforms into a pistol. But the individual has options; where do you want the thumbstick, how do you feel about the line of site for the Move, the price, the size, the style. Make your choice carefully. 

I'm excited to see what happens in the future with peripherals. These are all pretty cool and seem very tangible. However, I still don't know how an FPS is going to work without buttons. Sony Move definitely has the advatange over Microsoft Kinect in the FPS market. Thanks for reading.

Killzone 3

Killzone 3 Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

Buy it! 42% - Rent it! 25% - Flush it! 33%

Jan 16, 2011 by goukijones

Based on what you've seen above, which gun would you want to try out with Killzone 3?

bar! Sony PlayStation Move SharpShooter — 23% (3 votes)

bar! CTA PS3 Move Assault Rifle Controller — 69% (9 votes)

bar! CTA PS3 Move Submachine Gun — 8% (1 votes)

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definately the asasult rifle

iorilamia rated Killzone 3 Buy it
Jan 16, 2011 by iorilamia


I voted for the official "SharpShooter" as I don't want to move with my right thumb (left thumbstick is standard move in FPS).

BatRastered rated Killzone 3 Rent it
Jan 16, 2011 by BatRastered


Heard that Bat. Shit is Wack!

Cinderkin rated Killzone 3 Flush it
Jan 16, 2011 by Cinderkin


this is AMAZING and GODLY but not for 360 :(

blazemanx rated Killzone 3 Buy it
Jan 16, 2011 by blazemanx


The rifles look cool but I don't know if they will work well.

fnjimmy has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 17, 2011 by fnjimmy


I still question on how moving around, jumping, and crouching will be done effectively......

shenwoopunch has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 17, 2011 by shenwoopunch


Rule number 1: Don't be a Jimmy.

goukijones rated Killzone 3 Rent it
Jan 17, 2011 by goukijones


looks like a magician should be on the other end of that stick

kof2012 has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 19, 2011 by kof2012


why doesnt microsoft make something like that for the xbox

kof2012 has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 19, 2011 by kof2012


microsoft did make something like that. Its called kinect jimmy.

erikestrada has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 21, 2011 by erikestrada


I know the 11 people in america that own a gaystation 3 are pumped about killzone 3. Its about time they get another sub par shooter to go with the sub par console.

erikestrada has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 21, 2011 by erikestrada


Kinect down have no plastic guns ya Jimmy. You are the controller, remember?!

goukijones rated Killzone 3 Rent it
Jan 21, 2011 by goukijones


Sweet! I would honestly like to see a Rocket Launcher or Sniper Rifle version of this :D

PaladinJin has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 24, 2011 by PaladinJin


Assault rifle one is BOSS!

InfestedOreo has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 25, 2011 by InfestedOreo


I guess if they program for people using the guns instead of just adding support last minute these could be fun, but so far I just see another hunk of plastic that will end up in the closet or on the floor.

DragonKiss83 rated Killzone 3 Flush it
Feb 24, 2011 by DragonKiss83


If the Wii can do it than both PS3 and 360 should be able to. The only advantage I see is the ability to aim at multiple targets on the current screen quickly and accurately. I miss the Super Scope 6 so I would probably be into this if I had a PS3.

aragrist has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Feb 27, 2011 by aragrist


I like the assault rifle cause it's the only one that looks life like. But the game to me is still rent able.

fnjimmy has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Mar 14, 2011 by fnjimmy

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