Las Vegas FGC Last Chance to Play the Best Locals Tournament
By goukijones —
June 25, 2012
UMvC3, SSF4ae, KOF13, MK9, VF5 and everyone favorite SFxT last tournament before EVO. Want to play against the best in Las Vegas or just wanna get some practice in before the World Championships? Show up Saturday night to the Saw Mill and place some games!
Here's run down of how the tournament will work and all of the costs.
Date: Saturday June 30th, 2012
Time: Starting at 4pm
Location: Immortal Gamers League, 5790 Rogers St. Las Vegas, NV 89118
Entry Fee: $5 each game
Venue Fee: $5 each person
**Payouts for all games is 70/20/10**
Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition 2012 Singles
2/3 rounds, 2/3 matches, finals are 3/5
99 second time limit
Double Elimination
**Winner may change ultra, but has to pick ultra first after loser picks character**
Street Fighter X Tekken 2v2 Teams
2/3 rounds, 2/3 matches, finals are 3/5
99 second time limit
Double Elimination
**Gems are banned**
**Console specific characters are banned**
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Singles
3/5 matches, finals are 3/5
99 second time limit
Double Elimination
**You may not use any glitch that prevents the game from being played. This includes game freezing, game resetting, player freezing, etc.**
**Winner must keep the same characters, but can switch assists.**
King of Fighters 13 Singles
PS3/360 (Whatever is available)
Team VS (3on3)
2/3 matches, finals are 3/5
60 second time limit
Double Elimination
**DLC characters are allowed**
Soul Calibur 5 Singles
3/5 rounds, 2/3 matches, finals are 3/5
60 second time limit
Double Elimination
**DLC characters are legal and latest patch will be used**
**Custom charaters and DJ are banned**
Mortal Kombat 9 Singles
2/3 rounds, 2/3 matches, finals are 3/5
90 second time limit
Double Elimination
**DLC characters are legal and latest patch will be used**
**Use of any codes are banned**
**Kratos is banned**
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Singles
3/5 rounds, 2/3 matches, finals are 3/5
45 second time limit
220 health set
Double Elimination
**Loser can change character and/or pick a random stage, cannot directly pick a stage of choice**
**Dural is banned**
***Event is BYOC (Bring Your Own Controller)***
***Any game that does not get a suitable amount of entrants will have the match format changed to a round robin style tournament***
***Players using any wireless pads or sticks must desynch them after their match. If not and this disturbs a match this will lead to a disqualification.***
It should also be noted to bring some water OR beer with you to the event. It's hot as balls in the Saw Mill and there's going to be a lot of Jimmys there getting hype!. Oh and bring cash, chicken and waffles baby!
Las Vegas locals please leave a comment, let me know if you're coming. Vote, Comment and Share. Don't be a Jimmy!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 15, 2011
Original source.
[UPDATED] Jun 25, 2012 12:38:01 PM
Jun 25, 2012 by goukijones
You can watch the Steam here.
Watch live video from Top Tier Gaming on
[UPDATED] Jun 25, 2012 6:20:24 PM
Jun 25, 2012 by goukijones
The tournament director would like to note that alchohol is not allowed at the event. So please keep whatever you bring well concealed and no sharing! Anyone under the age of 21 caught drinking will be in a lot of trouble.