Community List of MK9 Xbox 360 Exclusives (Rumor)

By blazemanx — April 5, 2011
Tags: mortal-kombat news rumor

There's a rumor floating around that the Xbox 360 version of Mortal Kombat 9 will feature it's own exclusive content, such as: Puzzle Kombat, The Pit 360 stage (remake of the Pit III from MK3) and King of the Hill Mode with avatar support.

Hitting gaming forums left and right is a list of supposed Xbox 360 exclusives for Mortal Kombat 9. NetherRealm has since added to following notice to their forums: “It has recently been brought to our attention that a number of members are openly discussing news and media that haven’t been officially announced by NetherRealm Studios.” There is no certainty to these exclusives so take them with a grain of salt:

*Exclusive Mode: Puzzle Kombat – Features online play, leaderboards, and avatar support.
*Exclusive Arena: The Pit 360 – Remake of The Pit III from MK3
*King of the Hill mode will include avatar support.
*DLC Character “Lady in Red” will be available to Xbox Live users as a free download for a limited time after her release.
*Exclusive avatar gear will be available for purchase. 



if this is true then this is pretty fucking sweet because i was bummed out about the whole PS3 exclusive kratos.

hit the link for more info......there is even a pic to help support this.

let me know what you guys think dont be a jimmy!

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