Community Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins to be released in September

By Arthvader — July 5, 2012
Tags: capcom marvel marvel-super-heroes marvel-vs-capcom marvel-vs-capcom-origins news psn xbla

Capcom is bringing two classic fighters in a single pack this September

Capcom just recently announced that Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins will be arriving on both Xbox Live and Playstation Network this September. here's the trailer:

This will contain both Marvel Super Heroes, as well as the first Marvel Vs. Capcom. Just like what they did with Third Strike Online Edition, these game will feature various graphic filters, dynamic challenges that you can complete to unlock cool vault items, Online Play with Spectator Modes, as a Replay function. The game will come out sometime in September, and will be priced at $14.99 (or 1200 MSP).

Honestly, I could most likely say that I'm glad to see that they're porting two classic fighting games in a single package. I remember playing both games a long time ago, to to see that it will hit the market in a couple of months makes me want to get the game soon.


Also, If anyone is attending EVO or San Diego Comic Con, MvCO will be playable there as well. Just thought I give that mention.

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