Community Castlevania: LoS: Mirror of Fate & Castlevania: LoS 2 E3 Trailer

By Arthvader — June 5, 2012
Tags: 3ds castlevania-lords-of-shadow-mirror-of-fate castlevania-lords-of-shoadow-2 e3-2012 konami ps3 video xbox-360

Trailers for the next entries in the castlevania: Lords of Shadow saga has appeared at E3.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate E3 Trailer:

Platform: Nintendo 3DS

Basis of story: Taking place 25 years after the events of the original Lords of Shadow, Players will take the role of Trevor Belmont, Simon Belmont, and two other characters as you play through Dracula's Castle, going through the different eras, all of which will end in a climax that leads up to Lords of Shadow 2.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 E3 Trailer:

Platform: Xbox 360, Playstation 3

Basis of story: In this conclusion of the Lords of Shadow saga, Players will be taking the role of Dracula to face a new and powerful threat by reacquiring his old powers - and his castle holds the key to his power. The Belmont clan, however, will be around, seeking for his ultimate destruction.

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