Midnight Society’s "Deadrop" 2023 Update Roadmap

By goukijones — February 7, 2023
Tags: deadrop news

More is less. Wait.. Less is more!

Midnight Society and DrDisrespect released a new video stating their plans for 2023. Saying there will be less Snapshots (which are their early access updates and demos), but they will be larger in scale. Here’s some of the new features mentioned.

DrDisrespect reiterates on his stream that Deadrop will be coming to PS5 and Xbox Series Consoles. There is no word on Snapshots or demos just yet for consoles. I’m sure this is something on their mind, just might not be easy to pull off during development. I do believe there will be an early demo of the game and it might possibly come to consoles before the end of 2023. That’s all for now, we’ll have more information as the game continues its progress.

-end of transmission from: VARIANT CLAW FURY FOUR


Deadrop Gouki Box Art

2 Stories

Release Date: 2025

Hyped 100% - Not 0%

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