Community Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter Trailer

By Arthvader — September 4, 2013
Tags: kickstarter mighty-no9 pax-2013 video

A trailer for Keiji Inafune's successor to Mega Man. Revealed during his panel at PAX.

Here's the video:

From the Kickstarter Page:

Mighty No. 9 is an all-new Japanese side-scrolling action game that takes the best aspects of the 8- and 16-bit era classics you know and love, and transforms them with modern tech, fresh mechanics, and fan input into something fresh and amazing!

You play as Beck, the 9th in a line of powerful robots, and the only one not infected by a mysterious computer virus that has caused mechanized creatures the world over to go berserk. Run, jump, blast, and transform your way through six stages (or more, via stretch goals) you can tackle in any order you choose, using weapons and abilities stolen from your enemies to take down your fellow Mighty Number robots and confront the final evil that threatens the planet!

Every aspect of development—art, level design, music, programming, etc.—is being handled by veteran Japanese game creators with extensive experience in the genre, and with Mega Man in particular, all the way up to and including the project’s leader, Keiji Inafune himself! Backers will have unprecedented access to seeing this team at work through blogs, podcasts, videos, concept art—the works!

Mighty No. 9 is being developed for the PC with gamepad support (of course!), and will be made available through Steam and DRM-free digital distribution methods. Other platforms, including home consoles, Mac, and Linux, are a high priority, but only if we can afford them via stretch goals. Should we reach those goals, anyone funding the project will be allowed to choose which version of the game they would like to receive. The estimated release date is spring 2015.

As of this posting of the story, the game has already reached it's inital funding, let alone in just 2 days since the beginning of the kickstarter. It's already currently past the $1,350,000 mark, meaning that it will be getting a MAC and Linux port as well. when it reaches the $2,500,000 mark, the game will be available on the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U as well. This Kickstarter will end on Oct.1.


Honestly, This will definitely be a game I would be wanting to get when it comes out. The fact that it's being developed by most of the people who worked on the original Mega Man games, as well as Keiji Inafune himself, makes me want to get this game whenever it gets completed. Sure, it's expected to be out sometime in the Spring of 2015, but I'm willing to wait that long for a game like this to be greatly polished.


If you want to help support this game, follow this link:

What do you guys think about this project of Inafune's? will you support this kickstarter and help get more out of this? Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to Vote and Share, and Don't be a Jimmy!!

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They're still in the process of ripping off Capcom and making a Megaman clone? :P

Sep 4, 2013 by kuroukage

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