Community More Grand Championship Fights from EVO 2012

By Arthvader — July 13, 2012
Tags: evo-2012 mortal-kombat soul-calibur-v street-fighter-x-tekken video virtua-fighter-5-final-showdown

More Awesomeness from EVO 2012 Grand Finals.

In case you missed these Fights in the Grand Finals, here's  your chance to see four of them (Genexsis83 put up 3 of the remaining fights in an earlier story.):

Soul Calibur V Finals

Shining Decopon (Tira) Vs. Shen Chan (Cervantaes)

Street Fighter X Tekken Finals

EG Rickie Ortiz + PR Balrog (Rufus + Ryu) (Team USA) Vs. WW MCZ Infiltration + Laugh (Ryu + Rolento) (Team Korea)

Mortal Kombat Finals

KN EMP PerfectLegend (Kung Lao) Vs. vVv Nos CD JR (Rain, Kabal)

Virtua Fighter V Finals

RZR Fuudo (Shun) Vs. Shironuko (El Blaze)

Tell me what you think of these fights. Leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't Forget to vote and share, and remember, don't be a Jimmy!

Other Stories posted by me:

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Characters and Balance Patch news

4 More characters confirmed for Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Marvel Vs. Capcom Origins to be released in September

Arthvader Fights: Street Fighter III Online Edition

Arthvader Presents: Metrocon 2012 Picture Showcase


To be honest there are some games that are more interesting to watch. VF5 should be one of the harder games to master but it doesnt look as impressive as some of the other games ^^

Jul 17, 2012 by genxsis83


Seeing the Soul Calibur V match just made me think about how disappointed I was with the game. They made MK look good, hell I forgot I even had it here at the house. Might need to play that some while I wait for September. No Skullgirls?

Jul 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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