Community Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Characters and Balance Patch news
By Arthvader —
July 6, 2012
An update regarding Street Fighter X Tekken with the DLC Characters and future Patches.
As stated at the Capcom Panel during EVO, Capcom announced that the release date for the 12 DLC characters has moved up to July 31st, and will cost $19.99, or 1600 MSP. They had also announced that they will stay away from On-Disk Content in the future, based on user feedback.
The 12 Characters in question are:
From Street Fighter
- Sakura
- Blanka
- Elena
- Dudley
- Guy
- Cody
From Tekken
- Alisa Bosconovitch
- Lars Alexandersson
- Lei Wulong
- Chrisine Monteiro
- Bryan Fury
- Jack-X
During the panel, they also went over some of the potential changes in the upcoming balance patch:
- Auto-Block and Auto-Tech gems has been changed so that they would take more meter to use, and they take more meter away if you were to block or tech.
- They are aware of the timer issue, but the dev team is looking for the best solution to make the gameplay exactly what it needs to be. They do intend to fix the Timer issue.
- If it bothers you, you can now disable the quick combos with the Quick Combo DLC.
- They know that accidential quick combos can be problematic, and they are working on other issues at this time as well.
- Rolento's Jabs causes 2 less frames of block stun, along with some other changes.
- Xiaoyu's crouching hard kick phoenix loops can only be done 3 times now.
- Ryu, Ken, and Akuma's Tatsumaki Sempuu Kyaku have had all their hixboxes reduced in size. The frame advantage on this move does on block has been reduced by 5 frames for all three characters and the moveset has been decreased just as well.
In my opinion, I'm glad to see that they are going to bring out the 12 DLC characters early at the end of this month. I might probably pick them up as soon as they are available to download. of the 12 characters that are coming out, I can't wait to start using Lars and Elena. I'm also glad to hear some of the fixes they're going to do for this game as well.
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Release Date:
Mar 6, 2012
Original source.