Community 4 More characters comfirmed for Tekken Tag Tournament 2
By Arthvader —
July 6, 2012
Four more returning characters are making their way back into Tekken Tag 2. Can you guess who they are?
Today, Namco-Bandai announced on their EU YouTube channel four new characters for Tekken Tag Tournament 2. Here's the trailer, showing the four new, returning characters:
Here's the description from the YouTube video about the four characters, straight from Namco Bandai's offiical youtube page:
Forest is the son of Marshall Law. He has been training at his father's dojo since childhood, and some even say that his martial arts skills exceed those of his father's. Paul Phoenix has taken a liking to Forest, and they often get in trouble together.
A deinonychus trained for military purposes, Alex is a vicious animal that was created by extracting dinosaur DNA from an insect trapped in amber, with gaps in the DNA filled in with genetic data from Roger. Alex does not seem fully mature yet, but currently has about the same fighting strength as Roger. Alex will become an extremely powerful animal once he fully matures.
A prototype version of Jack developed in Russia. After learning of Jack's upgrades, P-Jack requested an upgrade from Dr. Bosconovitch, as well. Dr. Bosconovitch complied by adding a rotation function to P-Jack's limbs, as well as flight capabilities. P-Jack loves sunglasses, and they have become his trademark.
Tiger is a mysterious man who entered the "The King of Iron Fist Tournament" dressed in clothes inspired by the golden age of soul music. His polished capoeira moves look quite similar to those used by Eddy, but the nature of the relationship between these two fighters remains a mystery.
I'm surprised to see that we're still getting more characters added to this game. I'm glad to see that Tiger Jackson is going to be in again, thus allowing me to make the team of Eddy and Tiger again. Forrest Law is also a great addition, since I kinda like using Forrest a bit more than Marshal in certain Tekken games. It's also interesting to see that P-Jack and Alex is also in the game now. I hope to see some more characters appear as the game gets ever closer to release.
Tell me what you think about the new characters? leave your comments down in the bottom. Don't forget to vote and share, and don't be a Jimmy!!!
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