Community Mortal Kombat Demo

By DragonKiss83 — March 3, 2011
Tags: demo mortal-kombat news playstation-plus ps3 psn

It's comming..

On March 8th Playstation Plus members will get it.  The rest of it will see it a week later.  Xbox users will get it after that.  You can look forward to playing as Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Mileena and Johnny cage.  You'll be doing it in the Pit and Living Forest.  Get ready for some kombat.

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Gouki Box Art

79 Stories

Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

Buy it! 88% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 12%

PS+ can eat a dick. Thanks for the heads up, I'm actually VERY excited to try this demo because the game isn't looking good IMO, hopefully this Demo will show us what is really up :) Gonna Sub-zero it up!

iorilamia rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 3, 2011 by iorilamia


I want to believe that the game will be good, but right now i don't have much faith. Some hands on time might help.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 3, 2011 by DragonKiss83


From what we saw at last year's E3, the game looked amazing. It was no video, either... the Jimmies were playing it live. That was 9 months ago, so I'm excited to see a final product.

BatRastered rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 3, 2011 by BatRastered


With this demo, I finally get the chance to try out this game. I do hope this game is as good as I anticipated.

Arthvader rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 3, 2011 by Arthvader


this is VERY good news i was hoping for a demo

blazemanx rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 3, 2011 by blazemanx

grey walrus

Should've spelled coming with a "k" Other than that though I'm glad this is going to happen. It'll probably determine whether or not I get the game.

grey walrus has not rated Mortal Kombat yet.
Mar 3, 2011 by grey walrus


Glad I've got a PS3, it's too bad that PS+ is getting this a week early. I'm never going to pay for PS+ unless it starts giving me head when I turn on my system. I'll play the demo on the 15th, but I'll be really busy with Jill and Shuma that day to really care. It's too bad, I'm really looking forward to this game.

Phresh = Thumb Down! He hates Mortal Kombat lol

Cinderkin rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 5, 2011 by Cinderkin


He took the time to check it out that's good enough for me. And as far as PS+ I think they get some stuff early and a free download now and then, but as rare as the worthwile stuff goes it would probably be cheaper to just buy it yourself. But playing online free is why I get most games for the PS3, the 360 barely gets used.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 5, 2011 by DragonKiss83


thanks for this post dude looking foward to playing the demo

kof2012 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 8, 2011 by kof2012


And people will be playing this today, I'm jealous but one more week isn't to bad.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 8, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Got it, now to play the ever living shit out of it.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
Mar 15, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Finally a decent Mortal Kombat game.

DragonKiss83 rated Mortal Kombat Buy it
May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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