Mortal Kombat: I'm a Noob... Noob Saibot!

By Cinderkin — February 15, 2011
Tags: mortal-kombat news noob-saibot trailer video

Netherrealms studio has just released a new trailer showing off some Noob Saibot combos. Another character is added to the list of Kombatants. Also look out for Sindle, Ermac, and Jade in the video as well. Check it out!

"We share blood, but we are not brothers"

Noob Saibot gut punches Jade and she vomits! Say what? This game is looking better and better. Be on the look out for Mortal Kombat April 19, 2011. Don't be a Jimmy! Pre-Order Now!

Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Apr 19, 2011

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